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Women from the Mursi tribe

Added: 2011-06-30 | Category: People | Photos in gallery: 19 | Views: 75480

Gallery of images depicting several women from the tribe which inhabits the southern areas of Mursi of Ethiopia. Characteristic of the women of this tribe are clay discs inserted in the lip. The larger circle in the womans lip, it is more attractive in the eyes of the tribe.

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 1

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 2

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 3

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 4

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 5

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 6

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 7

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 8

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 9

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 10

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 11

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 12

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 13

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 14

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 15

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 16

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 17

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 18

Women from the Mursi tribe - Pictures nr 19

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