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100 days after the earthquake in Japan

Added: 2011-07-15 | Category: Places | Photos in gallery: 28 | Views: 79287

Japan continues to deal with the enormous task of cleaning up and moving forward three months after the big earthquake and tsunami that devastated the northeast coast.

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 1

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 2

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 3

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 4

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 5

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 6

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 7

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 8

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 9

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 10

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 11

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 12

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 13

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 14

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 15

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 16

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 17

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 18

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 19

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 20

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 21

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 22

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 23

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 24

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 25

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 26

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 27

100 days after the earthquake in Japan - Pictures nr 28

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