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Beautiful HDR pictures

Added: 2011-06-29 | Category: Places | Photos in gallery: 40 | Views: 100121

Gallery 40 beautiful images in the HDR (High Dynamic Range image), an increase of the brightness (luminance) comparable to the brightness seen by man. Brightness range is defined as the ratio of the brightest point on the image to the darkest point.

Beautiful HDR pictures - Pictures nr 1

The world's most magnificent bridges

Added: 2011-06-20 | Category: Places | Photos in gallery: 48 | Views: 110429

Gallery presents the the greatest bridges in the world. These bridges amaze with its sheer size, momentum, and innovative technical solutions.

The world's most magnificent bridges - Pictures nr 23

Macro world

Added: 2011-06-17 | Category: Animals | Photos in gallery: 21 | Views: 59846

Great pictures of a very close slightest side of life. In the gallery you will find great pictures of insects.

Macro world - Pictures nr 13
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